
Beautiful Wedding Present Ideas That Won't Break The Bank

Weddings might be expensive to plan, but for the guests, they can also be pricey. Today, many brides and grooms choose to register at a couple of stores for gifts that they want. While that means that they get the things they actually, want, if you’re a guest who is strapped for cash, it can be a bit of a problem.

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If you can’t afford a gift that’s on the registry, don’t stress about it. There’s a registry list to give you ideas of what to get, but you don’t have to stick to it. Giving the bride and groom a present on their special day isn’t about what you spend, it’s about giving them something that they can keep.

To help you find a beautiful gift that any couple will love, and is within your budget, here are a few tips and ideas:

Tickets to see their favourite band

If you know what type of music the bride and groom like to listen to, and know who their favourite band is, getting them tickets is a great gift. You might be thinking that surely buying tickets to a concert will be expensive, but they don’t have to be.

If you look online and shop around, you can find some great deals on tickets to concerts. If you want to spend a little less than you normally would, but still get them a gift with a wow factor, concert tickets are the perfect choice.

A unique ornament

You might think that buying the bride and groom an ornament as their wedding gift is an old-fashioned idea, but there are lots of modern designs. If you want to find the happy couple a romantic gift that they can keep for years, an ornament that they can display at home is the ideal choice.

There are lots of companies that design modern ornaments, but one of the best is Willow Tree. The mini wooden inspired sculptures that they design would make the ideal gift for any wedding.

A memory book

If you want to help the bride and groom to remember their special day, why not give them a memory book? You can pick up beautiful memory books online and in your local arts and craft store, so you won’t have any trouble getting hold of one.

A memory book is the perfect gift for the happy couple as it gives them a place to record all of their memories from the wedding. A good memory book has space to stick items in, as well as room to write memories down and place photographs.

It can be hard finding a gift for a wedding when money is tight, as you can’t afford anything off of the registry. However, there is no need to panic about it, as there are plenty of alternative gifts that you can get that the happy couple will love.

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