
Unconventional Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend

Buying gifts for men is notoriously difficult. So, if you’re still struggling for ideas for your boyfriend’s birthday (or even Christmas) gift, here are some unconventional gifts for you to consider.

A Multi Games Table

The great thing about multi games tables is that they let you play lots of different table games without needing to use lots of different tables. You can swap and change between games like table tennis, pool and table football. This is a great gift for any fun-loving man, and you can get in on the fun too. Some of them also come with floor games like giant chess and bowling.

Mini Helicopter

Boys toys are always a good idea for gifts. Most men enjoy playing around with remote control vehicles and indulging their inner child. And the best of all those remote control vehicles is the mini helicopter. Sure, driving a car around the floor is fun, but not half as fun as flying a helicopter around the room. There’s a chance that a photo frame could get knocked off the shelf, but that’s all part of the fun!


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Interesting Sporting Accessories

If your boyfriend loves playing sport, you should find some accessories and gadgets that could help him out. For example, if they love running, you could get an armband for their iPod. Or if they play golf, you could buy them a carpet cutting game that they can play at home or in the office. There are also all sorts of gadgets that monitor fitness and sporting performance; fitness enthusiasts love that sort of thing.

E-Cigarette Hardware

Is your boyfriend a smoker? Well, their birthday could offer you the perfect opportunity to remind them that now is the time to give up the cigarettes. You could buy them e-cigarette hardware to get them started. This could be a fun way of offering them the push they need to finally kick the habit. Then you can also get some e-juice flavours to go with it. There are lots of weird and wonderful flavours to buy, so it makes the gift a bit more fun.


Men love food; that’s a pretty universal fact. So, why not cook them a huge birthday dinner. This could act as part of their gift. It’s the kind of thing that always goes down well if you put in the thought and effort. It’s a great way of spending an evening together, and it’ll be more memorable than a gift that they unwrap and then never use again. Alternatively, you splash out on an evening at a trendy restaurant.


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Self-Balancing Scooter

Self-balancing scooters are small gadgets that you stand on and then they move along the floor. They’re like scooters without handles and with much cooler technology. Trying to master how to use them can actually be a lot of fun in itself. And most men love to master a new piece of technology. It’s like a puzzle or a challenge for them, and they’re a lot of fun to ride around on too.

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